Shiny Chrome Monkeys
Friday, February 27, 2004
Did my linking privilages get taken away?
Sorry I don't have a hyperlink attached to this - there's no button anymore for me to do it. Anyway, I found some of or posts on It's a very powerful blog search engine - really cool. Check it out if you are (0) comments
LAN Pizzle my nizzles
I spoke with the Waters yesterday, and have decided that YOU ALL SUCK! BWAHAHA! Also, we would like to start it between 3 and 4pm. Please give me some feedback as to what we want to do for food. If you guys have any special game you would like to play, bring at least one copy. Almost everyone has a copy of Tribes 2, Halo, MOHAA-BT, and Worms Armagedon. If you do not, please refer to 1st sentance of this post. We will hook you up when you show up. (0) commentsTuesday, February 24, 2004
She BANGS??? Sweet Jesus NO!!!!
I hope if this guy and the Star Wars Kid ever meet that there is a camera present. I bet that if they did meet, the air around them would fill with poisonous gas, much like when you mix bleach and ammonia. Then they will start their true reign of terror!!!!!! (0) commentsTime to call in the Federation - they're attacking our tribute art!
This popped up on Yahoo News tonight - it's about two whiteys who vandalized a Joe Lewis statue in Detroit with white paint. I don't really care about the story, but this little stink nugget caught my eye:"Police stopped the suspects in suburban (->) Romulus(<-) after authorities were tipped off by a motorist who saw two men covered with white paint leaving the city before dawn Monday, Romulus police Lt. Cora Semrau said."
Who would have thought that the real baddies hung out in the Romulan suburbs? I bet their tract housing is evil as well.
And, now I know where Joe is moving to after college. (0) comments
Monday, February 23, 2004
This is the first full pic of what the dementor will look like from Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban. It was unveiled in a toy show this week. Very interesting - I pictured it more like the ring wraiths and less like a floating pelvis with a bum's blanket on, though. Comments?(0) comments
Thursday, February 19, 2004
awkward social situation
"Hoo boy, sorry guys, wrong party. I'll show my way out."
You can tell the monkeys are evil.....
because of their shifty-eyes!!!(0) comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
I can not think of anythig funny for this link, but it is cool (0) commentsHey! There's a FOURTH version of LOTRs!
I heard this was written by Tolken's lesser brother, Hank.LORD OF THE G-STRINGS (NOT FOR WORK)
Be sure to look for the trailer. It's Fab-Tastic!
(0) comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
(0) commentsWhy am I not asleep?
Thought this was a little funny - and please don't make fun of my photoshopping on the sign. I is tired and about to pass out.Oh, by the way - look here:
This guy is funny maybe 20% of the time, but that's still 20% more than numbnuts here.
And.........I'm out! (0) comments
Monday, February 16, 2004
Okay, I lied. NOW my prayers have been answered!!!
After fifteen years of waiting and hoping, it has come to pass:Preproduction starts on "The Talisman", written by Stephen King and Peter Straub.
Am I excited? Check out these nipples!!! (0) comments
Saturday, February 14, 2004
This plot makes more sense than Tolkien's original!!
Check it out!!!! (0) commentsFriday, February 13, 2004
Finally! My prayers have been answered!
Do we really need this? :
Can't they use the money spent on the catering of Kathy Bates to build more roads or something... you know, spur the economy on? (0) comments
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Your request has not fallen on deaf ears!
Your sidebar has not only moved a good 700 pixels to the left, but it also contains your new mascot: Faggy T. Fox! Leer as he dances daintily around, (much like some of you!). You cannot say your sidebar is boring with Faggy around. Notice also he is a link, so if you would like to ask Faggy a question, just shoot him a mail! So, there you have it, a improvement I am sure I will hear comments like "finally, a mascot I can relate to!" and "Did you pull this idea straight from my head?" (0) commentsLook Now!!!! (0) commentsTuesday, February 03, 2004
Look out!!
The buildings are killers!!! (0) comments